About Your Credit
Rebuilding your credit after bankruptcy will be easier than you think. If you have missed credit card and mortgage payments, your credit likely is already severely damaged. Filing bankruptcy is the first step to fixing it. Most of our clients see their credit scores increase after filing, because most or all of their unsecured debts are eliminated and they cannot file again for some period of time. Additionally, getting a mortgage after bankruptcy or getting any other type of loan is definitely possible once you rebuild your credit score. The goal of bankruptcy is to provide you with a fresh start, not a step back.
You Will Not Be Left With Nothing
While there is the possibility that certain items of non-exempt property might be liquidated in order to pay off your debts, in most cases people give up no property. Connecticut and New York state exemptions and the alternative federal bankruptcy exemptions enable most people to retain most, if not all, of their property in bankruptcy. When you ask “What can I keep after bankruptcy?” we will educate you about what you will be able to keep. You will not have to start from scratch.
Everything Will Be OK. Contact Us For A Free Initial Consultation
To learn about what your life will be like after bankruptcy in a free initial consultation, call 203-286-4121 or email us.
Balbus Law Firm is a debt relief agency. We help people and businesses in New York and Connecticut file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.
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