One of the primary causes of unmanageable debt in the United States comes from credit cards. Unlike other debts, like medical bills, credit card debt tends to creep up over time instead of resulting from a one-time emergency. Credit cards often carry punishing interest rates which can rise as high as 28%. Before they even realize it, consumers may be facing credit card bills with unimaginably high balances.

If you are stressed out over unmanageable credit card debt, there are options. Credit card debt can be reduced or eliminated in bankruptcy. The amount of the debt that can be discharged will depend on many factors, including the type of bankruptcy you choose. For most people, filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy will eliminate all of their credit card debt. It’s important to understand all the variables involved in your financial circumstances when deciding which course of action to take.

To Learn About The Treatment Of Credit Card Debt In Bankruptcy, Contact Us For A Free Initial Consultation

Balbus Law Firm is committed to helping you reduce or eliminate unmanageable credit card debt and to giving you a fresh start to rebuild your credit.

From the initial consultation through the final discharge, we are dedicated to fully understanding your financial circumstances and using our comprehensive knowledge to set you on the path to long-lasting financial success.

To discuss credit card debt relief in a free initial consultation, call 203-286-4121 or e-mail us.

Balbus Law Firm is a debt relief agency. We help people and businesses in New York and Connecticut file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.