Twice Attorney Balbus shepherded my husband, an attorney, and me an office worker, through the process of determining how to remedy what seemed to be an untenable debt situation brought on by an unsuccessful self-employment venture and catastrophic health care costs. Feeling as though we would never get beyond working to pay debt service, falling behind in our taxes and saving nothing towards our retirement while earning 6 figures we sought guidance from Attorney Balbus. He assured us that looking to get a fresh start was not something to be mortified about. We presented him with the particulars of our seemingly hopeless situation and he quickly and expertly ran several scenarios by us. At first we were reluctant to take the plunge into BANKRUPTCY. Three years later we had not made any progress digging ourselves out of the hole and realized we had to heed Attorney Balbus’ advice. We wish we had acted sooner and had the relief we enjoy now.
He studiously reviewed our circumstances and made his carefully considered plan to get us a fresh start. During the daunting information gathering process Attorney Balbus supplied clear, organized step by step instructions. He reviewed all submissions and requested clarifications and additional information in a timely fashion. It is a small office which ensures your information is kept in confidence.
There were no surprises. We were well prepared for our meeting with the Trustee so we could concentrate on the questions and not be nervous or blindsided by a question we were unprepared to answer. Contact and follow up with the Trustee was carefully and quickly dealt with while keeping us in the loop. Some out of the ordinary and complex situations were assessed and distilled expertly by Attorney Balbus and then relayed to the Trustee. Attorney Balbus is the epitome of professionalism in all his dealing on our behalf.
We have our discharge and are starting over. Our only debt is a debt of gratitude we owe Attorney Balbus.
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